Clear Talent Group

download a pdf of the resume

Voice: Mezzo G2-G5       Dance: Moves very well

Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be.

- André De Shields


New Amsterdam Recurring Allison Liddi-Brown, Nick Gomez, Peter Horton / NBC
Broad City Co-Star Lucia Annielo / Comedy Central
High Maintenance Co-Star Chioke Nassor / HBO
Bull (Multiple Episodes) Co-Star Glenn Gordon Caron, Mike Smith / CBS
City Boyz Supporting Cory Stonebrook / Prime Video
Docket 32357 Supporting Randy Wilkins / Prime Video
Artistically Challenged Lead Aleks Arcabascio & Michael Deigh / Instagram


A Master Builder Supporting Jonathan Demme
Miranda's Victim Supporting Michelle Danner
As They Made Us Supporting Mayim Bialik
Gazer Supporting Ryan Sloan
Dungeon Supporting Andrew Bowles
Diving In Supporting Nitzan Mager / M Rowan Meyer
Mail's Got You Lead Amos Posner
Last Ferry Supporting Jaki Bradley
Roman Citizen Lead Luca Elmi
   Best Supporting Actress - Best Actors Film Festival & Best Actress (Nomination) - The Indie Gathering Intl Film Festival
B-Side Supporting Amos Posner
Casual Encounters Supporting Will McCord
Running With Sharks Supporting Suha Araj
Rattlefly Supporting Min Ding (ColumbiaU Thesis)
   Best Supporting Actress - Asians On Film Festival


Dead Flowers Esther Weinblatt Aaron Simon Gross / Signature Th
Einstein Mrs Einstein Randolph Curtis Rand / St Clement's Th


Analyze Zoom Dr. Lorraine Duval Melissa Firlit / Mile Square Th
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike Sonia Becky Saunders / Sierra Rep

Other Theatre

The Master Builder (Wallace Shawn) Nurse Olga Andre Gregory / Pen and Brush
Summertime Maria Jenn Haltman / The Gowanus Loft
Singer Clashes With Cougar Puma Christian Coulson / The Tank
Snow Leopard Mrs Claus Pat Dooley / The Kraine
Eulogy Esther Adam Delia / HB Playrwrights Th
Who You Got to Believe Kathleen Zoya Kachadurian / Players Theatre


Conservatory The Neighborhood Playhouse (Grad 1986); Sanford Meisner; Richard Pinter
Acting Bob Krakower (Master Class Level); Caymichael Patten (Advanced Level); E. Katherine Kerr
Voice Martín Sola, Barbara Maier Gustern
Improv Alan Arkin
Dance Tap, BWY, Jazz; Mark Morris; Broadway Dance Center; Steps on Broadway
SPECIAL SKILLS: Highly Adept with Dialects and Accents; Stage Combat and Weaponry; Piano; Yoga; Synchronized Swimmer; Certified SCUBA Diver; Drive Standard Shift Cars &Trucks with Valid Drivers License; Valid US Passport.